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Most popular Hasya Kavi of India

The tendency of organising Hasya Kavi Sammelan is shifting towards an increasing figure. The inclination of the audience towards Hasya Kavi Sammelan is known to all. The craze for the popular Hasya Kavi(s) can be seen very well when they start their poetry in Hasya Kavi Sammelans. People are leaning towards a classic Kavi Sammelan. Hasya Kavi Sammelans are being organised on various occasions like marriage ceremony, anniversary celebrations, Annual fest in colleges etc. Hasya Kavi Surendra Sharma and Hasya Kavi Shambhu Shikhar are the two most famous Hasya Kavi of India. They are certainly the prestigious signatures of Hasya Kavi Sammelans.
Entitled with Padmashree Hasya Kavi Surendra Sharma has added a new dimension. He has been credited for taking the Hasya Kavi Sammelan to a new height. Hasya Kavi Surendra Sharma has occupied the first position in the list of most popular Hasya Kavi of India. He has introduced hasya Kavita with a unique and interesting identity. Padmashree Surendra Sharma is ruling the world of Kavi Sammelan from more than three decades. The audience has approved and accepted Padmashree Surendra Sharma as the most popular Hasya Kavi of India. He is certainly the most in-demand hasya kavi of India.

Hasya Kavi Shambhu Shikhar is the best Hasya Kavi of India with the poetry on the latest topics. He is surely the most updated hasya kavi of India. He has a unique 'Bihari Andaaz' that adds more dramatic effect to his poetry. Hasya Kavi Shambhu Shikhar is the favourite of all age groups. The young audience literally go crazy for his hasya Kavita. Hasya Kavi Shambhu Shikhar impresses the audience with his joyful appearance. He is strongly appreciated over the foreign platforms of Hasya Kavi Sammelan. His popularity is not just limited to the stages of Kavi Sammelan, rather Hasya Kavi Shambhu Shikhar is the most popular one over the internet too. His performances on the occasion of Kavi Sammelan in colleges are getting a viral scene on YouTube.
Hasya Kavi Surendra Sharma and Hasya Kavi Shambhu Shikhar are being readily booked for Hasya Kavi Sammelan on various occasions. Book them now for a happening Hasya Kavi Sammelan at your venue by calling us on 9999428213 or drop an email on

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